Interface of Speccy is very user-friendly and simple to navigate. The pre-written answers are well researched and helpful, but do not satisfy all requirement of the users. Choosing the topmost answer is usually enough to provide the desired information. For most of questions, there are pre-written answers which appear in a list. Interface of Speccy PC is intuitive and user-friendly. The application also offers an easy way to update drivers for all your components.

It provides detailed information about CPU, Motherboard, Graphics, Storage, Memory, Network, Audio, and other system components. Product Speccy download Windows 10 application designed to help persons diagnose their computer’s hardware. Person can access a variety of information about their system, such as which of their cores have been overclocked, hardware monitor stats, current LED status, current operating system. Application is a free that analyzes the system, providing user with a report of their system's hardware and software. It is designed to collect information about the different hardware components of PC, analyze them, display them in an easy to read chart. Speccy is a comprehensive, easy to use, powerful diagnostic application.